A measurement of the unusual amount of gamma in the underlying asset ( Combination of Market Maker’s SPX INDEX Buying or Selling activity in option sweep orders
Dealer activity
Predict Market Maker activity changes relative to the volatility of the underlying index.
MMB booster+
Our Squeeze indicators, Predict price levels which options market makers position shifts from selling ALgos to buying ALgos, which predict the instant price moving action
Algos Profile
Smart Money’s footprints
Hedge funds primarily choose to hide their trading activity. Normally big portfolios are built and their transaction invisible to the public, As FINRA ( Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) requires all transaction post to public within 72hours
Futures DarkPools
Futures Dark Polls detect futures trading transactions instantly as Market maker partially hedge their portfolio ( Options ) with futures.. By Combining Futures Darkpools with Late FINRA dark pool data . We can capture Algos program and Hedging program in futures market